VELA Shipping – Atılay ÖZAY sole proprietorship; With its establishment in 2009 by Maritime Transport Management Engineer Atılay ÖZAY, it acquired the Ship Management license in 2009 and the Ship Agency license in 2010, and became a competent and important maritime business in the Tekirdağ region. Since its establishment in 2009, it has successfully carried out the technical management of 13 different ferries, and has safely transported over 1 million vehicles in 11 years in the Marmara Sea with the ships it operates. Currently, 9 ferries, 1 dry cargo ship and 2 agency boats in its fleet provide benefits with its ship management activities.
Vela Shipping started to provide shipping agency services to ships making international voyages by establishing the “Ship Agency” department in 2013. It has benefited by undertaking the shipping agency of more than 5,000 ships in 8 years in Turkey’s major ports, especially in Tekirdağ.
As a result of the experience gained from the ship management activities that Vela Denizcilik has been carrying out since 2009 and the ship agency services provided to more than 5,000 ships, “Vela Gemi Acenteliği A.Ş.”, whose focus and activity is only Ship Agency Services. By establishing his company, he continues his corporate development project and services in the field of shipping agency with this company.
Ship Agency Service; It is a commercial representation activity based on reliability. It is a comprehensive service including the protection of the legal rights and interests of the ship, the organization of the ship’s affairs, the provision of permits, services or documents, the transfer of information to the relevant parties, the execution of the transactions related to the ship’s crew, and the financial transactions of paying the ship’s call expenses.
Ship Agencies have a key role in maritime trade due to their legal representative capacity and duty to protect interests.
Vela Ship Agency, with its high status corporate structure, high representation and competence team and strong capital, provides services as the No. 1 shipping agency in the Tekirdag Region with over 500 ship movements per year in the Tekirdag region.
Our company, which does its job with love, with the awareness that every ship is a dream and a hope, and strives for success and abundance in all the work it does on behalf of the ship; It carries out its work with passion to become a shipping agency that provides high benefits in its field in the name of maritime by managing time, interests and risks correctly.
The quality of Vela Gemi Acenteliği A.Ş’s services and its compliance with the standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), after the audit and certification process carried out by Bureau Veritas, an independent auditing company in accordance with the British Accreditation UKAS discipline, in April 2022, the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 and The Customer Satisfaction System has been registered with the ISO 10002:2018 certificates of conformity.
Our efforts to ensure the High Benefit of our services and institutionalization are carried out on a constantly rising line of success.
To contribute to the development of the maritime industry.
To be a shipping agency that provides high benefits in the field of maritime, by managing time, interests and risks correctly.
Love, Enthusiasm, Value Adding, Solution Oriented, Confidence, Satisfying, Quality Oriented, Open to Development, Prestigious, Dynamic, Teamwork, Unique
As VELA, we work according to our values and take care to provide high benefits in all areas of life.
The subjects we focus on in order to actualize our “Targets and Objectives” and to be a pioneer in the field of Shipping Agency are as follows;
“Developing Our Institutional Structure”: We are working on business models that meet the needs of Shipping Agency with our unique corporate and digital structure that we have developed.
“Effective and Empathetic Communication”: We communicate empathetically with a collaborative approach to being accessible from every channel, whenever our customers and stakeholders need it.
”Developing Our Institution Culture”:
1-) We manage your maritime trade risks correctly with our qualified operations department consisting of 6 people who have received undergraduate education in the field of maritime.
2-) Our young team members, who have the opportunity to practice their profession and maritime, do their work with love and care with this effect. Vela team takes care of their work with love.
3-) We protect the rights and interests of our customers superiorly, with the Structure of the Joint Stock Company and 5 authorized authorized personnel to represent the Company on their own.
4-) With our corporate structure with Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 registered by Bureau Veritas in accordance with the UK Accreditation UKAS discipline, we carry out our activities within the framework of international standards, contributing to the corporate reputation of our customers and ensuring the international harmony of their business in maritime trade.
5-) With our continuous cooperation with universities and non-governmental organizations, we provide internship employment and the opportunity for qualified young individuals to gain experience in the maritime sector, thus we contribute to the development of maritime together with our customers.
6-) Vela Group’s ship management, maritime transport and regular ferry operations since 2009; As a result of the reflection of factors such as relationship networks, communication, trust, dependency, information sharing, and experience in the field of shipping agency, we provide important temporal contributions to our customers by improving the time performance of their operations, especially in Port Operations.
7-) As a result of our company’s compliance with the Ship Agency Occupational Standards determined by the United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Activities (UN/CEFACT), the standards of ship agency services offered in our area of influence have increased, our ship agency profession has become professional on solid grounds, ship operators and other relevant stakeholders have been involved in maritime trade. contributes to the loading of efficiency and effectiveness in the chain. In addition, we provide confidence to our customers and stakeholders in maritime trade with our future-ready corporate structure and team.
We got the Ship Operator License on the same date and we started our first business as Vela Denizcilik with the technical operation of 2 ferries.
With this license, we have become a more active and preferred business in our region.
Maritime Transportation Management Engineer (Istanbul University-1998)
Ship Agency/Operation Manager
Maritime Transportation Management Engineer (Istanbul University-2011)
Excellence Manager
Marine Port Management Technician (Namik Kemal University-2016)
Financial Affairs Manager
Maritime Business Management (Dokuz Eylül University)
Ship Operations Manager
Ship Operations Manager
Marine Port Technician (Namik Kemal University-2018)
Ship Operations Manager
Marine Port Technician (Namik Kemal University-2018)
Ship Operations Manager
Maritime Business Management (Bülent Ecevit University-2021)
Intern students; As a result of our company’s continuous relations with universities, we always include inquisitive intern students in our team.
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